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Text Alerts For Government

Texting grabs instant attention, while email has the widest reach. That’s why Message Launch offers both channels to help governments reach the public and serve them more effectively. But Message Launch does more than just mass text and email. We add precision to your messaging by giving the ability to cater to your contacts based on what you know about them, sending only targeted messages. Message Launch’s automation tools go beyond simple mass texting by targeting messages and automating messaging chores for you.

Why Local Governments Need Texting

Texting Gets More Results

98% of text messages are read, compared to just 22% of emails, meaning your text messages will reach your contacts no matter where they are.


Texting is Fast 

90% of text messages are read within three minutes. This makes texting the fastest way to reach the public when time is of the essence.


Texting is Engaging 

Text messages have an engagement rate that is up to eight times higher than email, and people respond to them at a much higher rate.


Simplify Communication

Message Launch allows you to create targeted distribution lists based on the contact’s preferences, click-through behavior, and demographics, so each message is highly relevant to the recipient.

  • With mobile keywords you can have the public opt in to your messaging campaigns, and then our service can automatically learn more about them to further target your messages.

  • Schedule and confirm things like facilities closures or road work so the public is informed of any potential delays.

  • Text-enable your landline phone number to engage in two-way conversations with members of the public so you can answer questions or field concerns about things like pothole repairs or neighborhood cleanup.


Streamline Employee Communication

Use the same software to communicate with your staff or field crews and make sure that they show up to service appointments on time.

  • Quickly send alerts when a critical situation arises or when things like planned service interruptions are scheduled to happen to reduce the headaches of your staff answering questions manually.

  • Message Launch’s powerful reporting allows you to track and analyze your messaging campaigns to make sure you get the most out of your texting and email efforts.

Engage The Public More Effectively

Message Launch makes sending important announcements such as policy updates, bills, and even critical alerts more effective.

  • Automatically send payment and past due reminders to increase things like property tax collections.

  • Solicit feedback from the public via SMS surveys, which boast a 50% response rate. 

  • Unlike other services which just blast messages out, our automated targeting saves you time and effort by only sending the most relevant information.

Message Launch’s Government

Texting Advantages

Our system goes beyond simple texting by giving you advanced functionality so you can streamline your communication process.

Automated Data Capture

Targeting is only as accurate as the data you collect. Our automation enables you to ask questions and capture the responses instantly so that you can better target your messages. All data is automatically stored in your database, eliminating the need for manual entry.

Two Way Texting 

Don’t just stop at sending an SMS message to your contacts. Ask questions and provide more details with two-way texting. This is perfect for getting more feedback or answering any questions they have in real time.

Multi-channel Reminders

When you have multiple things you need to remind the public about (upcoming closures, bills, etc.), Message Launch’s reminders make it easy to cut down on rescheduling or delays. Just set the date and time and we’ll take care of the rest!

Launch Your 14-Day Free Trial

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