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Texting For Customer Service

A text messaging system can improve the efficiency of your customer service department dramatically. Rather than calling the help desk and being placed on hold, customers can text their questions or concerns to the help desk at their convenience. The employees staffing your help desk then respond to customers' requests in the order they are received. With Message Launch your customer service department can help multiple customers more effectively while cutting down on hold times or long service calls. That’s a win-win for you and your customers.

Why Customer Service Need Texting

Texting Gets More Results

98% of text messages are read, compared to just 22% of emails, meaning your text messages will reach your customers no matter where they are.


Texting is Fast 

90% of text messages are read within three minutes. This makes texting the most effective way to reach students and parents if there is a situation on campus.


Texting is Engaging 

Text messages have an engagement rate that is up to eight times higher than email, and customers respond to them at a much higher rate.


Streamline Communication

Give customers multiple ways to reach you. Some customers don't want to be put on hold and just have a simple question. SMS customer service makes a great alternative to phone calls or email tickets.

  • Message Launch allows you to create targeted distribution lists based on customer interests, click-through behavior, and demographics, so each message is highly relevant to the recipient.

  • Text-enable your landline phone number to engage in two-way conversations with customers.

  • Solicit customer feedback via SMS surveys, which boast a 50% response rate. 

Increase Service Representatives Efficiency

Text messaging allows the employees staffing your help desk to carry on conversations with more than one customer at the same time.

  • A simple text message is a great way to let customers know that their payments have been received or that their refund has been accepted.
    A text messaging system can be combined with your existing landline or toll-free number, which means you won't need to give your customers a second number to remember.
    Text messaging is great for giving customers service updates and doesn't require you to call them or have them check their email.


Message Launch’s Texting


Our texting system for customer service centers goes beyond simple texting by giving you advanced functionality so you can effectively reach your customers

Automated Data Capture

Targeting is only as accurate as the data you collect. Our automation enables you to ask questions and capture the responses instantly so that you can better target your messages. 

Multi-channel Reminders

Message Launch’s reminders make it easy to send out quick text reminders to your customers when a support rep is ready to help them.

Your Own Number

Unlike our competition, we don’t force you to share the same number as other users. With us, every account gets its own toll-free number for texting, rather than sharing one with hundreds of strangers. You can even use the same number as your landline, to keep messaging consistent. 

Launch Your 14-Day Free Trial

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